News & Dates

We are a Small School with Big Aspirations and a Huge Heart.

Term Dates

Spring Term

Mon 6th January INSET DAY (School Closed to Children)
Tues 7th January Professional Development Day (School Closed to Children)
Weds 8th January Spring Term begins
Mon 17th - Fri 21st February Half term
Fri 4th April Spring Term Ends 1:30pm

Summer Term

Tues 22nd April INSET Day (School Closed to Children)
Weds 23rd April Development Day (School Closed to Children)
Mon 5th May Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Mon 4th May Bank Holiday
Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May KS2 SATs
Mon 26th May - Fri 30th May Half Term
Mon 2nd June INSET Day (School Closed to Children)
Friday 18th July Summer Term Ends 1:30pm
Monday 21st July Transition Day (School Closed to Children)
Tues 22nd July Transition Day (School Closed to Children)

Autumn Term

Mon 1st September INSET Day (School Closed to Children)
Tues 2nd September INSET Day (School Closed to Children)
Weds 3rd September Autumn Term begins
Thu 23rd - Fri 31st October Half Term
Mon 3rd November Professional Development Day (School Closed to Children)
Fri 19th December Autumn Term Ends 1:30pm

Spring Term

Mon 5th January INSET DAY (School Closed to Children)
Tues 6th January Professional Development Day (School Closed to Children)
Weds 7th January Spring Term begins
Mon 16th - Fri 20th February Half term
Fri 27th March Spring Term Ends 1:30pm

Summer Term

Mon 13th April INSET Day (School Closed to Children)
Tues 14th April Professional Development Day (School Closed to Children)
Mon 4th May Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Mon 25th - Fri 29th May Half Term
Mon 1st June INSET DAY (School Closed to Children)
Fri 17th July Summer Term Ends
Mon 21st July Transition Day (School Closed to Children)
Tues 22nd July Transition Day (School Closed to Children)