
We are a Small School with Big Aspirations and a Huge Heart.

Subject School Local Authority (LA) National School RMW Combined LA RWM Combined National RWM Combined
Reading 78% TBC 74% 74% TBC 61%
Writing 74% TBC 72%
Maths 89% TBC 73%

Average Scaled Score

Subject School Local Authority (LA) National
Reading 105 105
Maths 107 104
Scaled scores are an interpretation of the children’s results. A score of 100 represents a good level of attainment and/or Age Related Expectations (ARE) for the cohort.

A score of 110 and over represents high level attainment in reading, writing and maths. The table below shows children who achieved this score. In the absence of a current national average figure, we have compared this data with the Hertfordshire average which is typically above the national average.

High Achievement

Subject School Local Authority (LA) National
Reading 26% 28%
Writing 37% 13%
Maths 44% 24%
Combined 15% 8%


Progress measures this year have been difficult to establish for children in Year 6 as they left Key Stage 1 with a level which is no longer compatible with age-related expectations.

Therefore, the Department for Education (DFE) have defined a score of ‘0’ in all subjects as a national average.

The progress scale is from -10 to 10 though as an example 50% of schools in Reading will fall between -1.6 and 1.7. In Writing, 50% will fall between -1.6 and 1.8 and in Maths, the relative figure is -1.6 and 1.5. It is important to understand that negative scores do not mean that the children have not made progress but rather in comparison to other schools nationally, they made less progress. Please note these results are provisional only.
Subject School