
We are a Small School with Big Aspirations and a Huge Heart.

Our Curriculum Offer

We offer a broad curriculum where every child is encouraged to shine.

Click here to see our Curriculum Overview


The school uses the National Curriculum and EYFS Statutory Framework to provide a framework for teaching and learning in English.

Read, Write Inc. is used in Reception and Key Stage 1 to deliver the English curriculum. RWI is a phonic based complete literacy programme which enables all children to learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.

When children are ready to move off the Read, Write Inc programme in Year 2, daily English lessons based on key texts incorporate opportunities for reading, comprehension, writing, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and drama.  

Units are planned carefully, immersing learners in the text through reading and drama to build a deep understanding of the text and genre before building to a quality written outcome.

Discreet GPS skills sessions form the basis of early work in KS2 to ensure that core skills are practised and embedded. Teaching and learning is delivered through a rolling 10 day programme, where learners develop skills, knowledge and understanding of key grammar and punctuation concepts. 

Supplementary reading is delivered through whole class guided reading, opportunities for 1:1 and small group reading, reading for pleasure and story time. 

When children are ready to move from the Read, Write Inc phonics programme, spelling is taught through daily sessions focused on spelling patterns outlined in the National Curriculum.


Phonics and Reading Curriculum

At Sarratt C of E Primary School we use a synthetic phonics programme to teach reading called ‘Read Write Inc.’ produced by Ruth Miskin. 

Read Write Inc. phonics is a method of teaching reading which is centred around learning the sounds of the letters (phonics), and then blending them together to individual sounds in order to write them.

How it works

RWI is taught throughout Reception and Year 1, continuing into Year 2 for children who remain on the programme. The children are assessed and work at a level that is appropriate.

Storybooks and non-fiction texts are closely matched to the group’s development.

The children will be regularly assessed to check they have made progress and will be moved on as is necessary.  

The 5 Key Principles of Read Write Inc.

  • Purpose– know the purpose of every activity and share it with the children, so they know the one thing they should be thinking about
  • Participation– ensure every child participates throughout the lesson. Partnership work is fundamental to learning
  • Praise- ensure children are praised for effort and learning, not ability
  • Pace- teach at an effective pace and devote every moment to teaching and learning
  • Passion- be passionate about teaching so children can be engaged emotionally.read words.  The children also learn to break down (segment) words into

Please find the below parent guide and presentation slides from our Parent Workshop:

Reading at Home Booklet

Read Write Inc guidance for Parents

RWI Parent Workshop